To install D++ from AUR, follow the steps below (as root):
| git clone |
| cd dpp |
| makepkg -si |
or use your favourite package manager:
| # example with `yay` (without root) |
| yay -Sy dpp |
This will do the following three things:
- Clone the D++ AUR repository to a directory called
- Change into the directory
- Make a pacman package from the AUR repository for D++, and install it
You will now be able to use D++ by including its library on the command line:
g++ mybot.cpp -o mybot -ldpp
- Note
- Compiling your bot with a raw `g++` command is not advised in any real project, and the example above should be used only as a test. From here, you should learn to create a bot in D++ by moving on to Building a Discord Bot Using CMake (UNIX) or if you have not yet created a token for your bot, Creating a Bot Token - If you are having trouble setting up CMake, you can try our template cmake bot project.